
”Through the Gates of the Silver Key”(48)その2


”Through the Gates of the Silver Key”(48)その1

In the face of that awful wonder, the quasi-Carter forgot the horror of destroyed individuality. It was an All-in-One and One-in-All of limitless being and self―not merely a thing of one Space-Time continuum, but allied to the ultimate ani…

”Through the Gates of the Silver Key”(47)その2


”Through the Gates of the Silver Key”(47)その1

Then, in the midst of these devastating reflections, Carter’s beyond-the-gate fragment was hurled from what had seemed the nadir of horror to black, clutching pits of a horror still more profound. This time it was largely external―a force …

”Through the Gates of the Silver Key”(46)その2


”Through the Gates of the Silver Key”(46)その1

He knew that there had been a Randolph Carter of Boston, yet could not be sure whether he―the fragment or facet of an earthly entity beyond the Ultimate Gate―had been that one or some other. His self had been annihilated; and yet he―if ind…

”Through the Gates of the Silver Key”(45)その2


”Through the Gates of the Silver Key”(45)その1

Faced with this realisation, Randolph Carter reeled in the clutch of supreme horror―horror such as had not been hinted even at the climax of that hideous night when two had ventured into an ancient and abhorred necropolis under a waning mo…

”Through the Gates of the Silver Key”(44)その2


”Through the Gates of the Silver Key”(44)その1

There were “Carters” in settings belonging to every known and suspected age of earth’s history, and to remoter ages of earthly entity transcending knowledge, suspicion, and credibility. “Carters” of forms both human and non-human, vertebra…

”Through the Gates of the Silver Key”(43)その2


”Through the Gates of the Silver Key”(43)その1

He was in many places at the same time. On earth, on October 7, 1883, a little boy named Randolph Carter was leaving the Snake-Den in the hushed evening light and running down the rocky slope and through the twisted-boughed orchard toward …

”Through the Gates of the Silver Key”(42)その2

4 膨大な巨石の石組みを抜けるランドルフ・カーターの前進は、星と星のあいだの測り知れない深淵をよぎる目眩く落下のようだった。カーターは遥かな遠くに、壮麗な神のようなこのうえなく甘い波動を感じ、そのあとは巨大な翼のはためく音を感じとり、地球は…

”Through the Gates of the Silver Key”(42)その1

IV.Randolph Carter’s advance through that Cyclopean bulk of abnormal masonry was like a dizzy precipitation through the measureless gulfs between the stars. From a great distance he felt triumphant, godlike surges of deadly sweetness, and …

”Through the Gates of the Silver Key”(41)その2


”Through the Gates of the Silver Key”(41)その1

And now, in that rise of masonry to which his eyes had been so irresistibly drawn, there appeared the outline of a titanic arch not unlike that which he thought he had glimpsed so long ago in that cave within a cave, on the far, unreal sur…

”Through the Gates of the Silver Key”(40)その2


”Through the Gates of the Silver Key”(40)その1

A dizziness assailed Carter, and his sense of lost orientation waxed a thousandfold. The strange lights seemed to hold the quality of the most impenetrable blacknesses heaped upon blacknesses, while about the Ancient Ones, so close on thei…

”Through the Gates of the Silver Key”(39)その2


”Through the Gates of the Silver Key”(39)その1

Just what the Ultimate Gate was, and how it was to be passed, Carter could not be certain; but a feeling of tense expectancy surged over him. He was conscious of having a kind of body, and of holding the fateful Silver Key in his hand. The…

”Through the Gates of the Silver Key”(38)その2


”Through the Gates of the Silver Key”(38)その1

The Guide did not share this sleep, but seemed still to be giving instructions in some subtle, soundless way. Evidently he was implanting images of those things which he wished the Companions to dream; and Carter knew that as each of the A…

”Through the Gates of the Silver Key”(37)その2


”Through the Gates of the Silver Key”(37)その1

At last, continued the Swami, the swaying and the suggestion of chanting ceased, the lambent nimbuses around the now drooping and motionless heads faded away, while the cloaked Shapes slumped curiously on their pedestals. The quasi-sphere,…

”Through the Gates of the Silver Key”(36)その2

ヒンドゥ人は話を中断すると、四本の針と象形文字の記された文字盤をもち、地球上で知られるどんなリズムとも異なる狂おしい音をたてる、棺の形をした時計を、興味深そうに見つめた。 「ド・マリニーさん」不意にヒンドゥ人が学識豊かな主人にいった。「全身…

Through the Gates of the Silver Key”(36)その1

The Hindoo paused in his tale and looked curiously at the tall, coffin-shaped clock with the four hands and hieroglyphed dial, whose crazy ticking followed no known rhythm of earth. “You, Mr. de Marigny,” he suddenly said to his learned ho…

”Through the Gates of the Silver Key”(35)その2


”Through the Gates of the Silver Key”(35)その1

Carter saw now that one of the pedestals was vacant, and a gesture of the Most Ancient One told him it was reserved for him. He saw also another pedestal, taller than the rest, and at the centre of the oddly curved line (neither semicircle…

”Through the Gates of the Silver Key”(34)その2


”Through the Gates of the Silver Key”(34)その1

Carter guessed what they were, whence they came, and Whom they served; and guessed, too, the price of their service. But he was still content, for at one mighty venture he was to learn all. Damnation, he reflected, is but a word bandied ab…